Dragon ball multiverse. 56470 likes · 208 talking about this. international facebook dragon ball multiverse doujinshi dragon ball. Mar 22, 2021 · dragon ball super contains major players from across an expansive multiverse, but a majority of the series takes place in universe 7, where the z. Dragon ball multiverse (or dbm for short) is a fan-made sequel to thedragon ball mangaand is a free online dojinshi (fan made comic in japanese). the manga is made by salagir and gogeta jr. from france. salagir is the author and co-creator of the dragon ball multiverse fan comic. gogeta jr. was the main artist and co-creator of the fan comic before leaving. 1 story 2 production history 3 see. She has shares a similarity to the bra from dragon ball gtas her outfit's top is nearly the same. bra is a slender sixteen-year-old with bright purple hair which she usually keeps in a ponytail. she wears a tank top, revealing her midriff and jeans with a heart belt buckle. despite being vegeta's daughter, she bears little-to-no physical resemblance to him and almost looks completely like her mother.
Goku is shown to be a cheerful, energetic, and determined individual. known for his love of competitions, goku enjoys training every single day in order to improve his own strength. goku is a true family man at heart, and does whatever he can to help them out whenever possible. this selfless attitude also extends to his friends and enemies alike, in order to help them out and to give the villains a chance at redemption. despite all of goku's great qualities, the being known as broly is the only person goku fears for. this is shown during the beginning of the tournament when goku calls him a "monster" and wonders when he will start killing the audience members when released. these fears were realized when broly was finally free from his frozen prison, which goku solemnly states "it happening". even during the end of the second round, goku was worried that broly may be revived from porunga's wish, though gohan helps to put his father at ease. despite gokū's appearances being limited t
Vegetto. The duo first created the comic, along with their own website hosting it, in 2008 on march the 13th. so far, they have created over 50 chapters, consisting of over 1,300 pages, as well as translating it into a variety of languages with a current total of 32, all of which can be seen on their website in the \\"authors\\" section. the series has also been produced in a novel-based format, alongside their original manga format. however, in their manga format, unlike the traditional way of reading ma It is currently unknown how exactly strong goku has become since his training from the 28th budokai 10 years ago. while in his base form, goku is shown to be easily able to defeat a "mildly" strong saiyan from universe 10, while claiming to only be using a littlebit of strength. nonetheless, this display of power marvels many spectators and combatants alike, which even persuades three namekians to withdraw. in the novel, goku was even able to fight android 17 fairly, though the android claims to not even been using "half' of his strength in their brief exchange and was weakened due to his energy starting to run out over the last years. when transformed as a super saiyan, goku is shown to be one of the few combatants to not be sent flying to the wayside during broly's and vegetto's energy clash. in this state, goku is shown to be able to knock out both android 17 and freeza with a single punch each. goku expresses his disappointment to the former of the two at how easy it was. despit First round.

Dragon Ball Multiverse Dragon Ball Multiverse Wiki Fandom

Read dbm dbmultiverse dragon ball multiverse.
Super saiyan 3. See full list on dragonballmultiverse. fandom. com. See full list on dragon ball multiverse dragonball. fandom. com.
Bra Universe 18 Dragon Ball Multiverse Wiki Fandom

Dragon Ball Wikipedia
Debut. Db multiverse chapter 74: u13 public enemies no. 1. page 74/81. language news read dbm minicomic the authors fanarts faq tournament help universes dragon ball multiverse help bonuses events promos partner sites. An online comic : dragon ball multiverse based on dbz ドラゴンボールマルチバース.
The dragon ball multiverse, or the dragon ball world, is the chain of universes within the dragon ball series. there are currently twelve in total, as well as an artifical one, and every two universes whose designations add up to 13 are twin universes.. each universe is governed by a supreme kai and god of destruction, who act to balance creation and destruction. Mar 25, 2021 · while dragon ball z introduced a whole race of gods that presided over the universe, the sequel series dragon ball super went one step further by introducing an even more powerful divine host and an entire multiverse. atop this newly revealed cosmic hierarchy is grand zeno, the omni king reigning over the dragon ball multiverse, revered as the most powerful being in existence. 1. official wiki page for the dragon ball franchise. (a direct link to the manga section of the page. ) 2. official wiki page for everything/info about the multiverse theory. 3. page 32 of dragonball multiverse. (\\"chapter 2: lots of old foes here! \\") 4. information page about the authors of dragonball multiverse, as well as there large ensemble of staff. 5. \\"read dragonball multiverse\\" section. Dragon ball super's grand minister is the real ruler of the multiverse. while grand zeno is considered to be the most powerful being in the dragon ball multiverse,.
Bra makes her first appearance in the first chapter, as she travels to universe 0 to the multiverse tournamentalong with the rest of the z-fighters, acting as a spectator throughout the tournament. Dragon ball multiverse (dbm) is a free online comic, made by a whole team of fans. it's our personal sequel to dbz. >> read the comic! <<. 2021-02-21. new . On age 774 between april 20 and may 7th on earth, goten ditches a training session with gohan in favor of looking for the dragon balls with trunks. now thousands of kilometers away from gohan, goten meets up with trunks over a ocean and is pleased that his best friend has the dragon radar in his possession. after happily exclaiming their wishes (amusement park or a mountain of candy), both eventually hover over a spot where the dragon radar is indicating a nearby dragon ball. when goten makes
Android 21 from dragon ball fighterz sits comfortably at universe level, and demigra as well as some xenoverse 1 and 2 characters, along with characters from dragon ball heroes, most notably xeno goku, stand at the top of alternative media's hierarchy at multiverse level+, with power capable of threatening the entirety of the non-canon. Bra from the dragon ball multiverse manga is nearly identical to her dragon ball gt counterpart. they both have no interest in training, and prefer shopping rather than training. it is unknown if she has the ability to fly, since her canon counterpart was shown flying when under the control of baby. she cannot turn into a super saiyan, however vegetadid mention that she could if she actually bothered training. due to being a half-saiyan, bra is very strong, as she is strong enough to kick nappa and cause a good deal of damage.
Dragon ball multiverse (dbm) is a community website created by [dragon ball](/ otapedia/anime/dragon_ball/) fans to collect and provide any and all information . Gotenks.
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Despite being 27 years old now, goten still acts the same when he was 7. highly immature and careless, goten often jokes around with trunks which gets them into a fair amount of trouble. his immaturity is further exacerbated when fused with trunks to become gotenks. after almost losing his fight against dragon ball multiverse neko majin z he seems to grow up a little, but that goes away after getting the power-up by buu. his spirit calms down again after his defeat at the hands of the pink demon, and against the cell jr and kakaroth he displays a great amount of courage. This is goku's most powerful super saiyan transformation. it is unknown if he has mastered it yet. he learned this transformation through his training in other world for seven years. it is also unknown how strong exactly gokū has become while transformed in this state.